Digest Recipes: Culinary Inspiration

Tomato Concasse

Tomato Concasse

Recipe by Andrew Cayuela

With tomatoes coming into harvest season, oftentimes we are overwhelmed by our bounty and just cannot eat that many tomatoes, here is a great way to store them for the cold months.

6-12 qt stock pot
6-12 qt vessel for ice bath (clean sink works)
Slotted spoon
Freezer Bags or food saver


  • Tomatoes

  • Ice

  • Water


  • In a large stock pot bring 4qt of water to a boil.
  • While the water is coming up, remove all cores from your tomatoes. In a vessel the size of the stockpot or bigger make an ice bath 1 part ice, 1 part water. Once tomatoes are cored and water is boiling, begin to add the tomatoes into the water in small batches.
  • Once the skin of the tomato begins to lift from the fruit, remove and place in the ice bath. Continue this process until all tomatoes have been blanched and cooled.
  • Using your hands gently remove the skin from the tomato, do this in the ice water it will assist your effort. Push the seeds out without damaging the fruit.
  • Store all tomatoes in freezer bags or ideally a food saver and freeze. If using freezer bags, double them up and make sure as much air as possible has been removed. 
  • Now you can utilize those tomatoes however you’d like!, Soup or chili, sauce or salsa. So many pastabilities.

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